Saturday, May 16, 2015

assignment #8

Choose a passage from Jünger, write it out, explain the meaning of it, and why you chose this passage.

In war, when shells fly past our bodies at high speeds, we sense clearly that no level of intelligence, virtue, or fortitude is strong enough to deflect them, not even by a hair. To the extent this threat increases, doubt concerning the validity of our values forces itself upon us.

Since Liberalism fades out and totalitarianism is the new progress. War and evil is what affords us the pleasures.
This concept means that we must see things accordingly.We do not associate pleasure with pain.  Pain is felt by the individual fighting to build power to choose our pleasures.. But to associate pain with pleasure is not possible. We create values in reflection of pleasure.  We do not associate pleasure with pain because there are sacrifices.  However, the sacrifices can have consequences.  We may be made to think that we can come to expect peace.  However, in order to maintain peace, there is pain.  Pain can be the harmful actions that we overlook to procure values and pleasures.  We have to watch our back at all times. We enjoy pleasure, but with a doubt that nothing is permanent.  We also experience pleasure it as a uniform society. But politics will deal with the pains to organize pleasures of life  through technology  We want freedom and pleasures, but we have to make sacrifices of evil actions to make it possible. If we share things, we may have to deal with a consequence of how we use or develop with our pleasures of life. Nothing is permanent. Progress is made through control, not by enjoying pleasure.

March 28th Weber assignment #7

Will you simply and dully accept world and occupation? Or will the third and by no means the least frequent possibility be your lot: mystic flight from reality for those who are gifted for it,

This quote is stating that it wants to know if the person assigned to public service is wanting to do it full time or part time as a vocation.  Is he disciplined enough to follow the assignment which consist of passion and non-emotional discipline.  Weber is asking are you loyal and committed to following the actions of your Ruler or are you more inclined to emotional interaction with your land and production from your following.  He also states that it is delusional to think it is effortless. Since the information and rules may not agree with the serviceman, it may get into his soul.  So he wants to know if the structure is there to do what he is told or will his emotions get in the way.

March 21st Lecture assignment #6

Article 109
All Germans are equal in front of the law.
In principle, men and women have the same rights and obligations.
Legal privileges or disadvantages based on birth or social standing are to be abolished.
Noble titles form part of the name only; noble titles may not be granted any more.
Titles may only be granted, if they indicate an office or occupation; academic degrees are not affected by this regulation.
The state may no more bestow orders and medals.
No German may accept titles or orders from a foreign government.

Article 109 is stating that Germans are supposed to be loyal to his country and his people and not abide by any rules from other foreign countries.  It also states that no special family name is going to get you any special privilege status.  If you are part of a political party, it is because of the office or occupation that you declare with your accomplishments to be part of the government.  Men and women are equal in Germany and both have the same rights.